Clear Cache, Cookies, and Browsing History on Your Android Phone


By Jason

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Clear Cache Cookies and History on Android Phone

Has your Android phone been feeling sluggish lately? Apps crashing or freezing unexpectedly? Website pages loading slowly?

Chances are your Android device needs some routine maintenance. Clearing the cache, cookies, and browsing history can go a long way in speeding up performance, troubleshooting issues, and protecting your privacy.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about clearing cache, cookies, and browsing history on an Android smartphone or tablet.

What Are Cache, Cookies, and Browsing History?

Before jumping into how to clear them, let’s quickly define what cache, cookies, and browsing history are:


  • Definition: Data stored locally on your device to allow apps/websites to load faster in the future. It includes temporary app data, images, and files.
  • Purpose: Speed up load times and save bandwidth by storing frequently accessed data locally.
  • Downsides: Cache builds up over time and can slow your device down if it gets too large. Outdated cache files may also cause app crashes or freezes.


  • Definition: Small text files created by websites to identify your device and remember your preferences, settings, login details etc.
  • Purpose: Enhance website functionality and personalize your browsing experience.
  • Downsides: Cookies can be used to track your online activity for advertising purposes. They also build up and take storage space.

Browsing History

  • Definition: A record of websites and pages you’ve visited recently. Saved by your browser.
  • Purpose: Allows you to pick up where you left off on sites or revisit pages easily.
  • Downsides: Browsing history poses privacy risks if others access your device and can contain embarrassing or sensitive info you don’t want saved.

Now let’s look at why you should clear these data occasionally, as well as how to do it effectively on Android.

Benefits of Clearing Cache, Cookies, and Browsing History

Here are some of the top reasons to clear cache, cookies, and browsing history from your Android device:

1. Faster Performance

Over time, cache and cookies build up and consume storage space. This slows down your phone’s performance, as it struggles to load huge amounts of unnecessary temporary data.

Clearing out old cache and cookie files can significantly speed up app load times, web browsing, and overall system performance. Your phone will run like new again!

2. Fix App Crashes or Freezes

Outdated, corrupted, or oversized cache files can sometimes cause apps to freeze, crash unexpectedly, or behave strangely. Deleting the cache forces the app to rebuild its temporary data files from scratch, often resolving issues.

3. Troubleshoot Websites

If certain sites aren’t loading properly, clearing cookies and cache lets you start fresh with that site and fixes common loading errors.

4. Protect Privacy

Cookies can be used to track your online activity for ad targeting and profiling. Clearing them regularly limits this tracking and protects your privacy.

Deleting your browsing history also ensures potentially sensitive sites you’ve visited don’t fall into the wrong hands if others access your device.

5. Free Up Storage Space

Cache and cookie data takes up valuable storage capacity on your phone over time. Deleting it frees up space for apps, photos, videos, and more useful content.

6. Improve Security

If your phone is lost or stolen, you don’t want your passwords, logins, and browsing history ending up in the wrong hands. Wiping your cache, cookies, and history helps keep your data secure.

As you can see, regularly clearing out unneeded cache, cookies, and old browsing history keeps your device optimized for speed, security, and privacy.

How Often Should You Clear Cache, Cookies, and History?

There’s no definitive timeframe for how often you need to clear cache, cookies, and history. It depends on factors like:

  • How heavily you use your phone
  • The number of apps and sites you use
  • Your available storage capacity
  • How concerned you are about privacy

For most users, clearing cache/cookies every 1-2 weeks is reasonable. Clearing history can be done monthly.

You may need to clear cache more frequently if you:

  • Use storage-heavy apps like games, video streaming, etc.
  • Visit many different websites
  • Experience frequent app crashes or slowdowns

Conversely, you can get away with clearing cache less often if:

  • You use your phone lightly for basics like messaging and social media
  • Regularly close browser tabs and apps when done using them
  • Have ample free storage space on your device

Pay attention to your phone’s performance and adjust your clearing frequency accordingly. If apps start stuttering or websites stall, it’s a sign it’s time to clean house!

How to Clear Cache on Android

Now let’s dig into how to actually clear the cache, cookies, and history from your Android device. We’ll start with clearing cache, as it typically has the biggest impact on freeing up storage space and speeding up performance.

There are two main ways to delete the cache on Android – through individual app settings, or system-wide using your device’s storage settings menu.

Clear Cache for Individual Apps

You can delete the cache for specific problematic apps by going into the app’s settings:

  1. Open your App Drawer and tap on the app you want to clear cache for
  2. Tap the Menu Icon (3 vertical dots at top right)
  3. Select App Settings
  4. Choose Storage
  5. Tap Clear Cache to delete the app’s temporary data

Repeat this for any apps that are running slow or misbehaving. This forces them to rebuild their cache files from scratch.

Clear Cache for All Apps

For a wholesale cache cleaning, follow these steps:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Tap Storage
  3. Select Internal Shared Storage
  4. Tap Cached Data
  5. Tap OK to confirm clearing all cached data

This will wipe the cached data for all apps in one shot. It’s the easiest way to comprehensively clear your cache vs. doing it one app at a time.

And that’s all there is to it! With a few taps, you can free up gigabytes of cached data and get your phone running smoothly again.

Clearing Cookies on Android

Next up is deleting cookies, which has benefits like protecting your privacy, troubleshooting sites, and regaining storage capacity.

Cookies are managed through your mobile browser settings. Here’s how for the top Android browsers:

Clear Cookies in Chrome

  1. Open Chrome
  2. Tap the 3 Dot Menu
  3. Settings
  4. Privacy
  5. Clear browsing data
  6. Select Cookies and other site data
  7. Tap Clear data

Clear Cookies in Firefox

  1. Open Firefox
  2. Tap the Menu
  3. Settings
  4. Privacy & Security
  5. Clear Private Data
  6. Select Cookies and Active Logins
  7. Tap Clear Private Data

Clear Cookies in Samsung Internet

  1. Open Samsung Internet
  2. Tap the Menu
  3. Settings
  4. Privacy
  5. Clear history
  6. Select Cookies
  7. Tap Clear

And that’s cookies cleared! Repeat as needed to keep sites running smoothly and your privacy intact.

Removing Browsing History on Android

Finally, let’s look at how to delete your browsing history, which contains a record of sites you’ve visited:

Clear History in Chrome

  1. Open Chrome
  2. Tap the 3 Dot Menu
  3. History
  4. Tap Clear browsing data
  5. Select Browsing history
  6. Tap Clear data

Clear History in Firefox

  1. Open Firefox
  2. Tap the Menu
  3. Settings
  4. Privacy & Security
  5. Clear Private Data
  6. Select Browsing & Download History
  7. Tap Clear Private Data
Clear Cache Cookies and History on FireFox

Clear History in Samsung Internet

  1. Open Samsung Internet
  2. Tap the Menu
  3. Settings
  4. Privacy
  5. Clear history
  6. Select Browsing history
  7. Tap Clear

And your browsing history is cleared! Repeat monthly or whenever privacy is a concern.

Top Tips for Managing Android Cache, Cookies, and History

To recap, here are my top tips for effectively managing cache, cookies, browsing history, and improving your Android performance:

Clearing Cache

  • Clear cache every 1-2 weeks for optimal performance
  • Use your device’s storage settings to delete cache data for all apps quickly
  • Target lagging apps by clearing their individual cache in app settings
  • An app cleanup app like Files by Google can identify and delete cached files easily

Managing Cookies

  • Clear cookies monthly through your browser’s privacy settings
  • Disable third party cookies in your browser for better privacy
  • Log out of sites you don’t want tracking you when done using them
  • Auto-delete cookies when you close the browser tab for minimal tracking

Controlling History

  • Clear history monthly or whenever privacy is a concern
  • Use your browser’s incognito/private mode for sensitive browsing sessions
  • Disable history saving in browser settings if you never need it

PS: here, you can learn more about how to prevent cross-site tracking on your smartphone easily.

FAQ About Clearing Cache, Cookies, and History on Android

Still have questions about managing cache, cookies, and browsing history on your Android device? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Will clearing cache delete my files or app data?

No, only temporary cached data will be deleted. Your personal files, app data, settings etc. will not be affected.

Can clearing cache cause problems with my apps?

It’s unlikely, but some apps may require you to log back in or reset preferences after a cache clear. Data will sync back after opening the apps again.

Is it safe to delete all my cookies at once?

Yes, deleting all cookies is safe, but you may get logged out of sites and need to re-enter passwords. Bookmark key logins before a mass cookie deletion.

Can browsing history be recovered if I clear it?

No, clearing your browser history deletes it permanently from your device and cannot be recovered.

Will clearing cache speed up my phone if I have lots of free storage?

Yes, clearing cache can still provide a speed boost even if storage space isn’t an issue by removing bloated app files.

Should I clear cache before updating apps or Android OS?

Yes, clearing cache before system updates allows fresh data optimized for the new version to be built afterwards.

How can I automatically clear cache/cookies/history?

Apps like CCleaner have automated cleaning features. Some browsers like Chrome also let you schedule regular data deletion.

Is it better to clear cache app-by-app or all at once?

Clearing cache all at once is quicker, but targeting individual apps is useful if you only want to reset specific app data.

Will clearing cookies improve my privacy?

Clearing cookies limits tracking by removing site data used to identify your device and activity on that domain. It’s a key privacy tactic.

Keep Your Android Running Smoothly

There you have it – everything you need for effectively clearing cache, cookies, and browsing history on your Android device. Following the best practices outlined in this guide will keep your smartphone running fast, error-free, and protect your privacy.

Put these tips into action and you can breathe new life into an aging Android phone! Don’t hesitate to clear out the digital clutter settling on your device and regain that fresh feeling of a optimized, lag-free Android experience. Your phone’s performance will thank you!


Skilled software testing specialist with expertise in comparisons and research, passionate about blogging, reviews, and creating video tutorials.